

  • Cette offre est expirée !

    • Métier(s): Contrôle de gestion/Audit, Finances/Comptabilité
    • Niveau(x): BAC+5, BAC+6, BAC+7 et plus
    • Expérience:
    • Lieu: Côte d'Ivoire
    • Date de publication: 15/02/2024
    • Date limite: 29/02/2024 (Expirée)


Habitat For Humanity Cote d'Ivoire



Description du poste

1.1 The scope of external audit work entails the audit of HFHCI’s Financial Statements for the consecutive three years as per the charity law which covers a period of 1 July to 30 June. The first audit will cover a period from FY24 (1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024). The audit will include testing and evaluating of the adequacy and effectiveness of the organization's internal control systems and making recommendations.
• The audit will be carried out in accordance with the United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAPS) and Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) (Preferred) or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
• The audit will cover a comprehensive assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of the accounting and overall internal control system.
• The audit will cover verification of supportive documents, records and book of accounts related to all activities in the fiscal year.

2.2 Execution of audit assignments will be as follows:

• Assignments are to be performed in accordance with the US GAAPS and GAAS (Preferred) or IFRS. The audit firm must confirm in the proposal that they have knowledge of the mentioned standards and their intention to comply with the standards.
• In carrying out the work, the successful bidder must ensure its staff maintains their objectivity by remaining independent of the activities they audit.
• The Audit shall establish whether appropriate supporting documents, records and books of accounts relating to all activities have been kept. Clear linkages should exist between the books of accounts and the financial statements presented and substantive tests carried out on the balances included in the audited financial statements.
• The auditor will provide audited financial statements with auditor’s opinion.
• Management letter - The Auditors shall prepare a management letter after the completion of the audit in which auditors will:

o Identify specific deficiencies or areas of weakness in systems and controls and make recommendations for their improvement.
o Examine on test basis that appropriateness of supporting documents, records and books of accounts relating to all project activities.
o Include management responses to any audit findings and recommendations.
o Point out any matters that come to the auditor’s attention during the audit that might have a significant impact on the program’s implementation.
o Examine, assess, and report on compliance with the terms and conditions of the agreement between funding partners and HFHCI and applicable laws and regulations within accounting and taxes.


Profil du poste

HFHCI will use the following selection criteria:

Proposals will be evaluated in two parts. The technical proposal shall bear 80% of the total marks while the financial proposal shall bear 20% of the total marks.

• Proposals should make clear about the relevant skills, experience, and capacity of the participant, in respect of this TOR.
• The proposals must contain the details of the proposed approach and applicable standards to be adopted to deliver the service in accordance with the TOR.
• Proposals should clearly indicate the capacity of the bid participant to meet the requirements of the TOR.

o Experience, Skills, and Ability of Service Provider Past experience with INGO clients with similar in either value, scope, or both
o Team members experience (accompanied by brief CV's and professional certification)
o Bidder’s track record, licenses, and certification
o Ability of the bidder to fulfill HFHCI's requirements
o Proposals must contain the approach to be adopted in accordance with the TOR.
o A work plan, showing tasks and timeline.
o A risk management plan for this project and mitigation strategy.
o the firm’s competency, experience, capacity and proposal soundness in respective to auditing.
o At least three relevant references from iNGO clients similar in either value, scope, or both to HFHCI within the past 5 years
o Provide fixed price financial proposal showing the breakdown and schedule of payment tied to the deliverables


Dossiers de candidature

Interested applicants can submit their relevant documents and financial proposal in English, in person with a sealed envelope to the HFHCI Nation Office on working days (Cocody, II Plateaux, les Lauriers 5), referenced under the title Consultant for External Auditing Services. It should be submitted to the following physical address by February 28, 2024, before 5:00 PM. For more information, Please call at (225) 27 22 41 97 75.

Application materials are non-returnable, and we thank you in advance for understanding that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the next step in the application process.
The estimated start-up is as soon as possible.

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