

  • Cette offre est expirée !

    • Métier(s): Environnement
    • Niveau(x): BAC+3
    • Expérience: 2 ans
    • Lieu: Côte d'Ivoire
    • Date de publication: 09/04/2024
    • Date limite: 22/04/2024 (Expirée)
Description du poste

1. Develop new sources for the company.
2. Evaluate the test results of new suppliers.
3. Conduct factory audit & provide assistance to suppliers.
4. Support R&D activities.

1. Engage with suppliers to track and monitor their ESG metrics and sustainability practices
2. Support suppliers’ efforts to develop and implement action plans to enhance sustainability practices
3. Keep updated on industry trends, regulations, and certifications to ensure our processes are in line with the best practices

Profil du poste

QA Requirements
1. Bachelor’s degree
2. Proficient in MS Word, Powerpoint & Excel.
3. Good command of written & spoken English & French.
4. With QA experience knowledge preferred.

Sustainability Requirements
1. A minimum of 2 years of professional experience in commodities upstream supply chain
2. Bachelor’s degree
3. Proven problem-solving abilities with proficiency in data management tools and software
4. Excellent oral and written English & French communication skills, capable of explaining complex ideas to diverse audiences
5. Ability to manage multiple projects concurrently and working both independently and collaboratively across varied teams

Dossiers de candidature

Send CV to recruitmentrh223@gmail.com no later than april 22, 2024, specifying “QA & SUTAINABILITY MANAGER” in the subject line.

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